National Institute of Plant Health Management Recruitment 2011


National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad, an autonomous organization  
under the Ministry  of Agriculture, Government of India invites applications for the following posts:
By direct recruitment or by transfer on deputation
1.        Joint Director (Plant Health Management)-1 No. in PB Rs.15,600-39,100+ GP Rs.7,600, 
        Age Limit 55 years
2.        Joint Director (Agronomy & Agro-Meteorology) PB Rs.15,600-39,100+ GP Rs.7,600, 
         Age Limit 55years
3.        Joint Director(SPS Policy) PB Rs.15,600-39,100+  GP Rs.7,600, Age Limit 55 years
4.        Assistant Director (Plant Health Management- Horti & Flori) 
        PB Rs.15,600-39,100+  GP Rs.5,400, Age Limit 45
5.        Scientific Officer(Agronomy) Rs.9,300-34,800 +  GP Rs.4,600, Age Limit 35 years
6.        Scientific Officer (Bio- pesticide & Bio- control) PB Rs.9,300-34,800 + GP Rs.4,600, 
        Age Limit 35years
By transfer on deputation
7.        Administrative Officer-1No. in PB Rs.9,300-34,800 +  Grade Pay Rs.4,600/-, Age Limit 50 years
8.        Office PB Rs.9,300-34,800 + Grade Pay Rs.4,200/-, Age Limit 55 years
9.        Assistant PB Rs 5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay Rs.2,400/-, Age Limit 50 Years
10.     Accounts PB Rs 5,200-20,200 +  Grade Pay Rs.2,400/-,Age Limit 50 years
11.     Research Associates – 7 Nos. Consolidated pay of Rs 24,000 for PhD/ 
        Rs 23,000 for M.Phil or MSc  with 3 years exp., plus 30% HRA, Age Limit 30 years 
        in the Divisions of -
i)         Plant Health Engg -1
ii)       Agronomy & Agro-Meteorology-1
iii)      Biosecurity & Plant Quarantine -1
iv)      Pesticides Management-4

On Contractual Basis
Last date of receipt of applications is 08.04.2011

By direct recruitment or by transfer on deputation ( Sl.nos.1-8)

1.        ONE Joint Director (Plant Health Management) either on direct recruitment or transfer on deputation basis. 
       QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: For Direct Recruitment-
ESSENTIAL :  A. EDUCATIONAL: A First or Second Class Masters Degree in Entomology/Plant Pathology OR Agriculture / Horticulture with specialization in Entomology/ Plant Pathology OR Zoology with specialization in Entomology OR Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology.  (Specialisation can be established by work experience, paper publication, subjects studied exclusively in Post Graduation). Ph.D. in the relevant subject.
B. EXPERIENCE : Minimum work experience of 12 years of which at least 4 years of experience in Integrated Pest Management. Experience in Research, teaching / training in the respective fields will also be considered as the required work experience.
DESIRABLE:Advanced Training in Integrated Pest Management. Experience in Management of Projects / Programmes relating to Integrated Pest Management.
QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: For transfer on Deputation –  may be seen in serial number 4.

2.        ONE Joint Director (Agronomy & Agro-Meteorology) either on direct recruitment or transfer 
       on deputation basis. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: For Direct Recruitment-
ESSENTIAL :  A. EDUCATIONAL:  A First or Second Class Masters Degree in Agronomy, OR Agriculture / Horticulture with specialization in Agronomy or Agro-meteorology or Weed Science. (Specialisation can be established by work experience, paper publication, subjects studied exclusively in Post Graduation). Ph.D. in the relevant subject.
 B. EXPERIENCE : Minimum work experience of 12 years of which at least 4 years of experience in Crop Management. Experience in Research, teaching / training in the respective fields will also be considered as the required work experience.
QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: For transfer on Deputation –  may be seen in serial number 4.

3.        One Post of Joint Director ( one JD-SPS Policy) either on direct recruitment or transfer on deputation basis. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: For Direct Recruitment-
ESSENTIAL :  A. EDUCATIONAL:  A First or Second Class /  Masters Degree in Plant Pathology/Entomology OR Agriculture/ Horticulture  with specialization in Plant Pathology/Entomology OR Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology OR Zoology with specialization in Entomology. (Specialisation can be established by work experience, paper publication, subjects studied exclusively in Post Graduation). Ph.D. in the relevant subject..
 B. EXPERIENCE: Minimum work experience of 12 years of which at least 4 years of experience in SPS matters and/or Plant Quarantine including including pest surveillance for quarantine purposes. Experience in Research, teaching / training in the respective fields will also be considered as the required work experience.
               DESIRABLE: Advanced Training in Plant Quarantine &/or SPS. Experience in Management of Projects / training    relating to Plant Quarantine & SPS.

QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: For transfer on Deputation –  may be seen in serial number 4.

a)        Persons under Central / State Governments / Universities / Recognised Research Institutions / PSUs / Statutory Boards or Autonomous organizations of Central and State Governments.
i)        Holding analogous posts on regular basis, Or
ii)       With three years of service in the Post having Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/- or above, Or
With seven years of service in the Posts having Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/- or above, Or
With twelve years of service in the Post having Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/- or above.
        Possessing educational qualifications and work experience in the case of Direct Recruitment.
        However, two years relaxation from total work experience of 12 years will be given in the case of deputationists.

5.       ONE Assistant Director (Plant Health Management-Horti. & Flori.) either on direct recruitment or transfer on deputation basis.
For Direct Recruitment-
ESSENTIAL :  EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE:  A First or High Second Class Masters Degree in Horticulture with specialization in Plant Pathology / Entomology / Nematology  AND  minimum work experience of 7 years (4 years for candidates with Ph.D) of which at least 3 years of experience in Integrated Pest Management of Horticultural crops, or a First or High Second Class  Masters Degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology / Entomology / Nematology and minimum work experience of 9 years (6 years for candidates with Ph.D) of which at least 4 years of experience in Integrated Pest Management of Horticultural crops. Experience in Research, teaching / training in the respective fields will also be considered as the required work experience.
DESIRABLE: Ph.D. in the relevant subject. Advanced Training in Integrated Pest Management of Horticultural crops.
For transfer on Deputation – the terms and conditions may be seen in serial number 6.


Persons under Central / State Governments / Universities / Recognised Research Institutions / PSUs / Statutory Boards or Autonomous organizations of Central and State Governments holding analogous posts on regular basis, or with three years of service in the post having Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/- or above, or with five years of service in the post having Grade Pay of Rs4,200/- or above, and possessing qualifications mentioned above as for direct recruitment. However, in the case of deputationists the minimum experience (of 7 years / 9 years) required can be relaxed by 2 years.

7.     ONE Scientific Officer (Agronomy) either on direct recruitment or transfer on deputation basis. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE:
For Direct Recruitment-
ESSENTIAL :  A. EDUCATIONAL:  A First or High Second Class Masters Degree in Agronomy/ Agro-meteorology OR Agriculture with specialization in Agronomy - Weed Science)/ Agro-meteorology.
        B.EXPERIENCE : Minimum experience of 5 years (2 years for candidates with Ph.D) of which at least 2 years of experience in Integrated Pest Management with specific reference to weed management/ crop management.
   DESIRABLE: Ph.D. in the relevant subject. Advanced Training in Weed Management
      .For transfer on Deputation – the terms and conditions may be seen in serial number 9.

8.              ONE Scientific Officer (Bio- pesticide & Bio- control) either on direct recruitment or transfer on deputation basis.  
For Direct Recruitment-
ESSENTIAL :  A. EDUCATIONAL:  A First or High Second Class Masters Degree in Plant Pathology / Entomology OR Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology / Entomology / Nematology OR Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology OR Zoology with specialization in Entomology / Nematology.
B. EXPERIENCE : Minimum experience of 5 years ( 2 years for candidates with Ph.D) of which at least 2 years of experience in Plant Protection or Bio-control Agent Production or Molecular Disease Diagnostics.
DESIRABLE: Ph.D. in the relevant subject. Advanced Training in IPM / SPS / Plant Quarantine.

      .For transfer on Deputation – the terms and conditions may be seen in serial number 9.

Persons under Central / State Governments / Universities / Recognized Research Institutions / PSUs / Statutory Boards or Autonomous organizations of Central and State Governments.  Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or with five years of service in the Post having Grade Pay of Rs.4,200/- or above and possessing qualifications mentioned above as for direct recruitment. However, in the case of deputationists the total experience required will be relaxed by 2 years.

By transfer on deputation (Sl.nos.10-13)

10.     ONE Administrative Officer from -
Persons under Central /State Governments / Universities / Recognized Research Institutions / PSUs / Statutory Boards or Autonomous organizations of Central and State Governments.
i)      Holding analogous posts on regular basis. OR
ii)    With six years of service in the Post having Grade Pay of Rs.4,200/-
Possessing qualifications mentioned below.
Essential: A First class or high second class Bachelor Degree from recognized university or equivalent.
Experience: 8 years Experience out of which 6 years in a responsible supervisor/ administrative position
Desirable: Should be conversant with the government rules and regulations / office procedures pertaining to administration, accounts, purchases and maintenance.

11.       ONE Office superintendent from –
Personal under Central / State Governments / Universities / Recognized Research Institutions / PSUs / Statutory Boards or Autonomous organizations of Central and State Governments.
i)      Holding analogous post a on regular basis. OR
ii)    With six years of service in the Post having Grade Pay of Rs. 2,400/-.
Possessing qualifications mentioned below:
Essential:  A Bachelor Degree from recognized university or equivalent.
Experience: 6 years experience in administration.
Desirable: Conversant with the government rules and regulations / office procedures pertaining to administration, stores, estates and maintenance of records.

12.       ONE Assistant from-
Persons under Central /State Governments / Universities / Recognised Research Institutions / PSUs / Statutory Boards or Autonomous organizations of Central and State Governments.
i)      Holding analogous posts on regular basis. OR
ii)    With four years of service in the Post having Grade Pay of Rs.1, 900/-.
Possessing qualifications mentioned below:
Essential:  A Bachelor Degree from recognized university or equivalent.
4 years Experience in administration / accounts / stores. Knowledge of basic computer application with speed of 30 W.P.M. in English Type - writing.
Desirable: Conversant with the government rules and regulations / office procedures pertaining to administration, and maintenance of records

13.       ONE Accounts Assistant from –
Persons under Central / State Governments / Universities / Recognized  Research Institutions / PSUs / Statutory Boards or Autonomous organizations of Central and State Governments.
i)      Holding analogous posts on regular basis. OR
ii)    With four years of service in the Post having Grade Pay of Rs.1, 900/-.
Possessing qualifications mentioned below:
Essential:  A Bachelor Degree in Commerce from recognized university or equivalent.
4 years experience in accounts and records maintenance.. Knowledge of basic computer application with speed of 30 W.P.M. in  English Type-writing.
Desirable: Conversant with the government rules and regulations / office procedures pertaining to accounts, and maintenance of records.

NOTE: The transfer on deputation shall be as per the rules & provisions of Government of India

By contractual appointment (Sl.No.14)
14.             Seven Research Associates

1.       Plant Health Management (2):
  • For Division of PHE:       (with M.Tech. Agricultural Engineering, OR  B.Tech. with minimum 3 years of research the above subject)
  • For Division of A&AM:   (with Ph D in Agronomy/Weed Science, OR  M.Phil OR Masters with minimum 3 years of research the above subject)
2.       Plant Quarantine & Policy Management (1):
  • For Division of BS&PQ:   (with PhD in Plant Pathology, OR M.Phil OR Masters in the above subject with minimum 3 years of research experience).
3.       Pesticides Management (4):
  • For Division of PM:   (with PhD in Inorganic Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/Agro chemicals and pest management / Analytical Chemistry/Bio technology/ environmental Chemistry or science, OR  M.Phil OR Masters in the above subject with minimum 1 year experience in chromatographic equipment operation.
Those who have submitted their thesis and awaiting award of Ph.D can also apply. The age limit for applying for the   posts is 30 years. The monthly consolidated emoluments payable shall be as follows-
For those possessing PhD ……. Rs 24,000/- plus HRA @ 30% .
For those with M.Phil in the relevant subject ……. Rs 23,000/- plus HRA @30%.
For those with Masters in the relevant subject with minimum 3 years experience … Rs 23,000/- plus HRA @30%.

1.           JOINT DIRECTORS: As Divisional heads they are expected to plan, implement and coordinate various activities of their divisions to enable the Directors accomplish the responsibilities assigned. Any other duties assigned by the Directors or the Director General from time to time.

2.           ASSISTANT DIRECTORS / SCIENTIFIC OFFICERS: As Sub-divisional heads they are expected to plan, implement and coordinate various activities of their sub-divisions to enable the Joint Directors / Directors accomplish the responsibilities assigned. Any other duties assigned by the Joint Directors, Directors or the Director General from time to time.

3.           ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: To assist the Registrar in supervising all administrative activities of the Institute and oversee the establishment works relating to service of the employees, stores (procurement, issue, inventory), construction works, court related matters, etc.
4.           OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT: To supervise and discharge all establishment related activities properly and punctually, maintain all service records correctly, attend to stores procurement, assist in monitoring of construction & maintenance works of the Institute,  attend to various  court related matters and liaising with Advocates, preparation of affidavits, follow-up, etc.
5.        ASSISTANT: To assist in timely processing of various matters pertaining to administration (establishment matters such as Service Books, increment preparation, pay fixation, leave sanctions, recruitments,etc)  and to enable disposal of the relevant matters efficiently and properly and maintenance of records etc..

6.        ACCOUNTS ASSISTANTS; To assist in timely processing of various matters (bills, vouchers, sanctions, budget matters, medical claims, advances, etc) pertaining to the Accounts section and to enable disposal of the relevant matters efficiently and properly and maintenance of records etc.

1.        Age limit will be reckoned with reference to the closing date for receipt of the applications.
2.        Age and qualifications may be relaxed in exceptional cases.
3.        As per the existing Rules relating to Reservation all the posts advertised above fall under unreserved category and hence open to all. The Rule of Reservation is not applicable in the case of deputationists. However, subject to availability, eligible candidates belonging to reserved categories will be duly considered as per rules in force.
4.        In the case of direct recruitment the selected candidates will be governed by the New Pension Scheme, 2004, Govt. of India.
5.        The Medical facilities extended to the deputationists will be extended to direct recruits till such time a regular scheme for direct recruits is implemented by the NIPHM.
6.        The Probation period for direct recruits will be Two years as per the rules in force.
7.        The applications in prescribed proforma should reach The Registrar, NIPHM on or before 08.04.2011 (In case it takes time to obtain clearance from Head of Department, an advance copy of the application can be sent on or before the closing date)
8.        Please visit NIPHM website for the details of duties to be performed and for downloading the prescribed application proforma.




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