CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test -NET-2011...
has invited applications for joint CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test
-NET to be held on June 19 for determining the eligibility for the award
of junior research fellowship-JRF and for appointment of lecturers in
science subjects in universities and colleges across the country. A
candidate may apply either for JRF and lectureship or for lectureship
only. Two separate merit lists will be prepared for JRF and lectureship.
Candidates who qualify JRF are eligible to receive scholarships or
fellowships for their research studies leading Ph.D.
The test will be held in the following subjects:
sciences, Earth sciences, Life sciences, Mathematical sciences,
Physical sciences. Those who have passed M.Sc. degree in any of these
subjects with at least 55 per cent marks are eligible to apply for the
test. Final year M.Sc. students can also apply for the test. The upper
age-limit for the JRF is 28 years. There is no upper-age limit for
lectureship examination.
How to apply
form and information bulletin can be obtained from select branches of
Indian Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce up to March 30 on payment of
Rs.400. Candidates can also apply online through the web site: www.csirhrdg.res.in.
Candidates applying online have to send the print out of the duly
filled in online application to the examination unit, HRDG, CSIR.
Duly completed OMR and applications with all enclosures are to be sent to the Sr. Controller of Examinations, Examination Unit, HRDG, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 so as to reach the addressee on or before April 5.
The multiple choice type test will be held on June 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (200 marks). The question paper shall be divided into three part viz. A, B, and C. Part A shall be common to all subjects, and that covers questions from general science, quantitative reasoning and analysis and research aptitude.
Part B shall contain subject related multiple-choice questions, and Part C consists of questions to assess the candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts. Negative marking will be made for wrong answers. Complete information of this test can be had from the website www.csirhrdg.res.in.
Duly completed OMR and applications with all enclosures are to be sent to the Sr. Controller of Examinations, Examination Unit, HRDG, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 so as to reach the addressee on or before April 5.
The multiple choice type test will be held on June 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (200 marks). The question paper shall be divided into three part viz. A, B, and C. Part A shall be common to all subjects, and that covers questions from general science, quantitative reasoning and analysis and research aptitude.
Part B shall contain subject related multiple-choice questions, and Part C consists of questions to assess the candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts. Negative marking will be made for wrong answers. Complete information of this test can be had from the website www.csirhrdg.res.in.